okie. today was quite a nice day. finished the whole math worksheet. i keep having the impression that the worksheet is 6.1 but think about it logically, we have done more than 7 chapters in sec 2 and haven't started a single one in sec 3 so how can it be 6.1????? nvm.
i woke up for a few seconds again at 6.34 this morning and woke up again at 9 something or 10 something. din go to beach road or west mall cos they all seem so far. but will go there soon. i need to get the things i need. and stock up socks also. my socks are getting saggy.
ok, this morning i got the song jia-ren-qu found in the house of flying daggers i watched yesterday. then i got da-yu. thinking of getting an mp3 but still in thinking stage. well, i dun really need it and it ain a great big desire to have it so i dunno. but it would be nice and cool to have one so. ya. still haven decided. if i decide and ju haven sold her mp3 player to anyone i might get it from her at $75 if i din rmb the price wrongly. ya, whatever. i later in the end never buy than funny liao lor.
act tmr. need full u. i prepared liao. i am happy. i decided to plant another onion cos my ginger is growing very slowly and my jie's potato is growing very fastly. ya. =) we bought mei's books today.
i have nothing else to say le. thats it. i scared i change very slow tmr. very long nvr wear full u liao. scared scared. but jiayou anw. =) . . . . i have something for fullstops. i like them. . .