today has dalt. it was not so terrible. PT wasnt as "hiong" as i expected it to be. it was only one round. i expected 2-3. well i guess my stamina is getting better. i wasnt panting like a pig after that one round. and i felt quite good actually.
dalt on the whole was good. just kept wu-shi wu-shi and wu-shi. after all only got 2 shi-weis. that was so painful. everytime must change style. for eg, jinqing and huishan has totally different styles of wu-ing. jinqing wu at a greater angle than huishan. huishan more easy to follow but i think jinqing's shi looks better. and after that when shi-tous lian-ing that time me and yinhwee got nothing to do. so maams talk with us and they teach us abit of gu. i got no sense of rhythm. keep on cannot get it right. than when maams say its right i think it sounds wrong.
oh i forgot to say that we actually had 3 shiweis. but yuanhan fell down during PT and hurt her back and she was in great pain and she sort of went home. actually she went to hospital. not home.
after DALT, we wanted to go see yuanhan but she was going home so we decided to go to CCK see whether can go her house anot. we had lunch there. i ate cai4 fan4. i am starting to like cai fan alot. then we went to lot 1 see see look look. huishan was very helpful in helping me find my totti but unfortunately, we couldnt find it. so my future totti is still awaiting me somewhere. than we walk walk go library. i found "period pieces". that book that i read many many times as a child. ok. maybe not that long ago. when i was 10. primary 4 that time. even reading it than i felt like laughing at them write their feeling cos it just never occured to me that having your period would be so scary for some. haha.
than i went to BPP to look for mm. we bought dinner. than dd fetched us home and i slept. until 6 o'clock. watched an episode of cries. really. bei4 pan4 ai4 qing2 was weird. yaliying's mum died and the whole episode, all i rmb was cries. even got different kind of cries one lor. got crazy kind. painful kind. sobbing kind. and all in one episode. seems as if that episode got nothing better to do but cry. but was quite touching lah.
after that watched i cannot rmb the title, its too long. than i went down to senja grand than came back. actually wanted to blog then but mm wanted me to help her clean kitchen cabinet. see everyone was there but me. so i went to help her until chong shang yun xiao show than i watched it. went to bathe after that and am here now.
i would like to add that i borrowed alot of books. many many story books.