ya. din blog yesterday. but yesterday was a nice day.
woke up at 10.30. realised i was late. i was supposed to meet sqdms at cck at 11.00 but i overslept. went to yuanhan's house, did many many things. ate curry cooked by yuanhan's mm and it was nice. though i would be better if it was spicy but yuanhan cannot eat spicy food so it wasnt spicy. beehoon was good too.
today. pulled myself up from bed to go to school. tmr got act. doing flag. yay. i like flag. hope i pass cc test. nono. i will pass cc test.
went to school and i brought beehoon guo tiao and i became my breaklunch. or rather branch. whatever you like to call it. we practiced, played and did many many things. i am not so worried now. we went out of school to get some things and came back again. went to btp. sqdms ate kfc. i ate my beehoon branch at 2.00. my leg with the huge bruise is hurting like siao and its getting more and more swollen. cannot cheng3 qiang2 anymore. its getting quite bad. jie says its healing.
ya ya. dinning in tonight. minced meat and vege. would prefer rice if there were any. i am quite hungry.